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Medical Evaluations

Medical Evaluations services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Medical Evaluations services offered in the greater Phoenix, AZ area

Injuries at work, from a car accident, or resulting from a traumatic life event, may require you to undergo a medical evaluation. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when finding a trustworthy provider, especially if you’re working with law firms or your employer. Luckily, Charlie Piermarini, PA-C, MSPAS, MS, MPH, and his team at Complete Injury and Wellness in Phoenix, Arizona, offer welcoming medical evaluations. They work with you to understand your injury and choose a pathway to recovery. If you are looking for an individualized and compassionate medical evaluation, call Complete Injury & Wellness today, or schedule an appointment online.

Medical Evaluations Q & A

When do I need a medical evaluation?

If you’ve experienced a recent injury, getting a thorough medical evaluation is important as soon as possible. Your employer’s insurance may cover your medical evaluation if your injury happened at work or require an evaluation to understand subsequent treatment options and what insurance covers. 

If you filed a lawsuit or are dealing with legalities around your injury, a law firm or attorney may require you to get a medical evaluation. This helps the law firm understand your past medical history and current injury from your provider’s expert standpoint. 

You can trust Complete Injury & Wellness to do a compassionate, precise, and honest evaluation of your injury and current physical and emotional state. The team has extensive experience working with law firms and provides excellent communication with all parties. 

What happens during a medical evaluation?

The Complete Injury & Wellness team conducts an evaluation consisting of an interview and physical examination. Your evaluation may include: 

  • A discussion about your medical history, lifestyle, injury incident, and symptoms 
  • State of your mental health 
  • Checking your vitals and reflexes 
  • Examining your eyes, ears, nose, throat, and abdomen 
  • Blood work for organ, body functions, and any preexisting conditions
  • X-rays, magnetic resonance (MRI) scans, or an electrocardiogram (EKG) 

The goal of the medical evaluation is to best understand your injury, symptoms, and your current state of health. 

What happens after my medical evaluation? 

You can share the evaluation report with any outside parties, like a law firm, employer, or an attorney. You can also keep this report private between you and your provider if you want to collaborate on a treatment plan on your own. 

The report includes a summary of what happened during the evaluation, a write-up on your provider’s findings and your diagnosis, and answers to any questions you, or an outside party, had about your injury or accident. 

Your provider specifically notes what symptoms or pain occurred because of the injury or accident and what may be a preexisting condition. Complete Injury & Wellness assures you that you leave with a thorough evaluation and a helpful understanding of treatment options moving forward. 

Reach out by phone or online to book a medical evaluation with the welcoming team at Complete Injury & Wellness now.