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Wellness Therapies

Wellness Therapies services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Wellness Therapies services offered in the greater Phoenix, AZ area

If you’ve experienced an injury or accident, physical pain is often accompanied by stress, fatigue, and other chronic issues that affect your daily life. Charlie Piermarini, PA-C, MSPAS, MS, MPH, and his team at Complete Injury & Wellness in Phoenix, Arizona, luckily offer wellness therapies to patients ages four and older. Intravenous (IV) nutrition, vitamin injections, and state-of-the-art micronutrient lab work allow you to get back on your feet and feel healthy again. Reach out online or call the office to book a treatment today.

Wellness Therapies Q & A

What are wellness therapies? 

The team at Complete Injury & Wellness offers wellness therapies that restore your body and give you energy. Your body must be strong and healthy to heal from an injury or accident. 

Wellness therapies like IV nutrition and vitamin injections deliver nutrients and minerals directly into your bloodstream. This fights fatigue and stress and improves your energy levels. 

One in ten American adults receive the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, and as much as 45% don’t get the preferred amount of calcium. Micronutrient lab work tests your blood to understand your specific deficiencies. 

During a wellness therapy visit, your medical professional works with you to determine the best treatments to improve your deficiencies and get your body the nutrients it needs. 

What are my wellness therapy options?

Complete Injury & Wellness offers innovative wellness therapies with quick and painless solutions to replenish your body.


IV nutrition 
IV nutrition is a therapy that provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals through an IV drip. Your bloodstream directly receives these benefits, which means your body can see results instantly. 

Vitamin injections 
Vitamin injections restore deficiencies your physician feels your body has. An injection may include benefits like Vitamin B12, A, C, calcium, or magnesium. The vitamins improve fatigue, stress, immune problems, dehydration, injury recovery, or any chronic pain issues.

Micronutrient lab work: 
The team offers state-of-the-art micronutrient lab work that helps determine your vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. Your medical professional will then create custom vitamin regimens to help prime your body for a speedy recovery. 

What are the benefits of wellness therapies? 

When you suffer from an injury or accident, it can cause a domino effect, causing other mental and physical health issues. Complete Injury & Wellness customizes your chosen therapy treatment to your specific needs, targeting and improving issues such as:

  • Pain and inflammation
  • Fatigue and fibromyalgia 
  • Stress and mood levels 
  • Weight loss 
  • Tissue repair
  • Headaches 
  • Dehydration 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other immune issues 
  • Cardiovascular health 

Reach out online or call the office at Complete Injury & Wellness today to discuss your treatment options. The team looks forward to helping your body heal from the benefits of wellness therapies.